Our Church is doing a new pictorial directory!
Our last directory is now out dated and it is time for a new one. IT WON'T BE COMPLETE WITHOUT YOU! We are inviting everyone to get a new picture made so that our new directory includes every person and family at Grace church. The directory can also help us remember names know each other better. Photo dates are: MAY 5th , 6th or 8th 2023 You will have a professional photography session, see your proofs, and have the opportunity to purchase extra portraits for family and friends. Appointments will be made to have your picture taken at one of the sign-up locations at the church on one of the sign-up Sundays, or you can make your own appointment online with the link below now: Every family photographed for the directory will receive a FREE copy of the directory and an 8x10 portrait at no cost.
Our Outreach Committee is working very hard to complete our updated information and will announce when the directory will be printed.
PHOTOS OF GRACE- If you have any photos of current activities of Grace with in the last year or two that you would like to share, to be considered for our upcoming directory. Please email them to [email protected].
PHOTOS OF GRACE- If you have any photos of current activities of Grace with in the last year or two that you would like to share, to be considered for our upcoming directory. Please email them to [email protected].